Sunday, August 06, 2006

Thumbs up/Thumbs down

We decided to go to Z Tejas for dinner on Saturday. I usually order the same dish every time I go, the cajun crab stuffed chicken. It is so yummy and fantastic. Well, I was going to change things up and order something different but noticed that my cajun chicken wasn’t on the menu. I asked the waitress about it and she said it was now considered a special and that after this weekend they wouldn’t be offering it any more. CRAP! Double CRAP! This totally sucks ass! I really enjoyed this dish and I haven’t seen anything like it in any other restaurant. I ordered my last cajun chicken and enjoyed every last bite! Maybe I’ll have to protest by refusing to eat at Z Tejas! :)

On a brighter note, we finally went to see Pirates of the Caribbean. It was just as good as I had hoped! Jim liked the first one better, but I liked each of them equally! I am interested to see what the third movie will be like!

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