Sunday, August 08, 2010

Burnet Road Farmers Market

I am so glad that there is a new farmers market blooming at the old Travis County Farmers market. I have seen the old sign many times, but as far as I have known it has been empty. The outdoor shopping area is near the Pour House Pub. I talked a little with the owner and he said that for now the produce he sells will be from his farm only but as they grow he will be looking to add other farmers late this year early next year.

I bought corn, onions and jalapenos from him. I was going to get some tomato's, but a little old lady snatched them up before I could. And since it is in bad taste to hit an elderly lady I let it go :) We had the corn on Sunday night and it was delicious. I arrived there around 2pm and apparently they had a lot of people at noon waiting for them to open. I am VERY excited to have them in my hood and to be able to shop there Wed - Sunday. I fully intend to visit them once a week.

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