Thursday, February 01, 2007

Funny Stuff

I found this on a blog called "Daily Nooz", and had to share with you!!!

Actual conversations as recounted at

IT guy: What do you mean you've never shot a gun? You never made your friends dance by shooting at their feet?

915 BroadwayNew York, New York.............

White Girl: So, what do you mean you guys don't have stockings on Christmas?
Hispanic girl: Spanish people's Christmas is more about expensive electronic gifts.
White girl: I just don't understand -- you also use all new decorations every year.
Hispanic girl: Yeah, we don't really do tradition well.
White girl: Spanish people are weird.
Black girl: Yeah, well, white girls smell like potato chips.

789 Howard AvenueNew Haven, Connecticut.............

Teacher on phone with parent: Mrs. Jones*, I'm not saying Billy* cheated. All I'm saying is he had a sheet of paper with the answers to the test on the floor under his desk, and every few minutes he leaned over and looked at it. And I don't allow that kind of studying.

Bayport, New York.............

Designer: You shot the Rubik's Cube contest?
Photographer: Yeah. It was like watching fat, naked men greased up in butter sumo wrestling. You don't want to watch, but you can't look away.
Designer: ... You know, most people use the metaphor, 'It was like watching a train wreck,' but you took it to a really dark place.

323 E Grand River AvenueHowell, Michigan............

Call center rep: Well, what do you do when a random person at a call center says, 'I love you'?

1440 BroadwayNew York, New York

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