Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Quick Supper

I love visiting Costco and eating their samples as I shop :). There were days when Jim and I worked together that we would head over to Costco to eat lunch by trying all of the samples. It wasn't really to save money, but it is a great way to eat just enough. Kind of like going to a party and eating their appetizers.

During a shopping trip (I really was there to buy some things) I tried a pre-made pot roast sample. I wasn't sure what it would taste like, but I was pleasantly surprised. As I stood there debating whether to buy a package I heard three other people say "wow" and "yum" while trying the pot roast. So I thought, why not! I think it was about $5 a pound.

It was very simple to heat up, you could either stick it in the microwave or you could boil it in the plastic bag that it came in. I opted to boil it. I could tell that Jim thought I was nuts for buying it, but he ended up clearing his plate! The meat was just a tad dry, but overall very good and I'll buy it again.

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