Monday, August 25, 2008

Le Garage Sale

The garage sale was a slight success. I didn't really expect much, but we had a boost of people because the neighbor across the street also had a garage sale. The worst part of the garage sale was lugging everything out of the garage and searching through boxes for stuff to sell. For the first hour we would sell something, then walk back into the garage, root around a box and put more stuff out. We had some hagglers, but nothing to terrible. It sort of pissed me off a couple of times because people would just automatically say, "I'll give you $$$ for that thing", and then I would counter with "no". :o)

It has been awhile since I have posted a "feet photo"

I laughed when I pulled this shirt out of a box. Smitty's is (was) a grocery store in Arizona. I haven't thought about Smitty's in awhile.

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