We tried a new restaurant on Friday night, Sampaio's. They serve Brazilian food, which honestly tasted like normal American food but the descriptions sound Brazilian. I ordered the Bobo de Camarao, which is sauteed jumbo shrimp in a spicy dende yucca sauce with onion, tomatoes and peppers, served over rice. The food was quite tasty. Jim ordered the special which was pecan and parmesan crusted salmon with a jalapeno cream sauce. I was impressed with our food, however not so impressed with our service. It wasn't terrible, but I got the distinct feeling that our waitress could have cared less that I was sitting across from Jim. She made sure he had enough Sangria and that he liked his meal, while she hardly looked my way. I mean, come on! I'm right freaking there sitting across from the man that you are flirting with! It was so obvious that Jim and I would giggle after she left the table. Flirt with my husband if you want, but damn bitch, make sure I have water to drink (my dish was spicy so I drank the water fast)!! :) Poor thing didn't realize that I was paying the bill :)
Anywoo, overall the meal was very good and would suggest it for my friends!!