Friday, November 02, 2007


is the loneliest number. Indeed, just a single little number. Yet that number is screwing with my life. In an earlier post I had mentioned that I was almost a college graduate. Well, I was kind of right. I contacted my academic advisor about what to do to get my diploma when she so casually said, " you have one more credit to complete before you get your degree"... uhhhhhh...... WHAT?!?!?!?!? Apparently I have ONE freaking elective credit before I graduate. I was soooo pissed that I wasn't told until AFTER I thought I was done. So, now I have a couple choices of how I can finish. I can either test out of a course or I can take a 3 week course. I thought about testing out of a class, but it would take a lot of studying to test out, and they only have classes like The Rise of Western Civilization, Anthropology, and Chemistry. Uh, yeah, I lost what ever I learned back at ASU so I wouldn't be able to recall any of that information and I don't have the self discipline to study at home by myself. As much as I don't want to I guess I"ll have to take a short class.

University of Phoenix can kiss my ass.

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