Thursday, January 10, 2008

Originally uploaded by chunkychewie1

There wasn't anything good on TV last night, so we decided to play a card game. Neither of us is very good at poker (plus I don't think you can play it with just two people) so we have a card game called Phase 10. There are 10 phases of the game that you have to accomplish to win. Of course you want to beat the person you are playing! Jim won last night so we'll have to play again soon so I can beat him! (I am way to competitive).

I used the "color spot" setting with my camera last night. I'm still not 100% sure how to use it, but once it is in that setting then only uses color that you choose (and that is the part that I don't understand). So that is why the redish/orangish colors are there and the rest of the colors in the photo isn't.
Picture 10 of 365

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