Thursday, March 15, 2012

I'm here!! I'm here!!! I'm here!!!!!!!

Oh my gosh... I had no idea it has been almost a month since the last time I posted in the blog. I still love my little blog but it has really slipped my mind over the past month. I am still cooking a ton, baking a ton, enjoying life with my hubs and now have a zoo to take care of at the house. Which of course is all blog worthy material, but I just have to shake the lazy's and post!

About a month ago we met up for Nick and Magen's engagement party. We met up at Catina Laredo and then we moved over to Six. Here is Nick and Jim showing us their shirts. In the darker room it appeared that they had the exact same shirt on, but with the flash of the camera we realized they were different colors.

After a few adult beverages, we all became dancing fools. Here is Ashley and Jim doing a dance off... because I am biased I believe that Jim totally won! I mean, look at him,,, he is doing the running man!

Erin, Ashley, me, Lindsay and Tiffany

Boys being silly trying to recreate the Step Brothers movie poster

Mike and Erin took us out to dinner one night to thank me for taking their Engagement photos. We had an awesome sushi dinner and then went over to Park at the Domain for a few drinks where Charlie met up with us.

We have done our fair share of eating out this year. Typically we eat out once a week and I always love trying new places. We had a few flubs in 2012.... we ate at Shoreline Grill to say good bye--they closed down on Jan 31st. Shoreline has a special place in our lives since we were married there. I loved the venue and I am sad to see it close down. Unfortunately our last dinner there wasn't great. Cold app's and off service. I hate that was our last experience with Shoreline but we will hold on to our wedding memories when we think of them. We also had a less than stellar experience at Hugos (stay away from the tamale,,, great sauce but about a teaspoon of meat filling) and at Fonda San Miguel (my stuffed poblano pepper was not only burnt they didn't take the pepper skin off).

Our highlight of eating out was Lucy's Fried Chicken. The fried chicken was crunchy, juicy, and spicy... delish! Jim ordered the fried chicken salad sandwich, and it is a MONSTER of a sandwich. I had a few bites of it and it was perfect with the coleslaw and pickles. I can't wait to go back!!

We met up at Jenn and Charlies house to celebrate her birthday! Here is Chris, Jenn and Jim (with Lindsay and Matt in the background).

Jennifer, Jim, Lindsay and I

I made a strawberries and cream jello shots for her birthday. Originally they were supposed to be strawberry hearts surrounded by the cream, but it was a nightmare trying to get the hearts to be centered in the cream. So after making one batch I scrapped that idea and just made a more Mosaic type jello shot. They tasted great so it was a success!

Abbey loves her chew toys!

Mr. Pooh-Pa's big ass paw

The kittens are getting big!! Here is Slinky (right) and Jelly. They are very adventurous and will show their love towards each other, the dogs and us.

Abbey and I on Mt. Bonnell after a quick vet trip for Abbey. Of course she looked away every time I tried to take a picture :)

Little Ms. Abbey

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