Sunday, February 15, 2009

Stuffed Baked Onions

I was looking for a new way to cook onions. I love onions, and I put them on everything that I can. I found a couple of recipes that only put fresh herbs in the onions or some type of sausage mixture. I decided to go with the spinach mixture because I was pairing the onions with steak. This was a tasty recipe, but next time I will look for a way to get the spinach mixture to be more creamy or have more moisture. The spinach at the top of the onion was kind of crispy, so perhaps if I added some type of cheese, it would stay moist and not dry out.

Adapted from Happy Days with the Naked Chef by Jamie Oliver (Hyperion, 2002). Copyright 2002 by Jamie Oliver.

2 tennis-ball-sized white onions, peeled
1 cloves of garlic, peeled and finely chopped
1/2 cup of spinach
1/4 cup of feta cheese
2 pieces of bacon crumbled up
Sea salt
Freshly ground black pepper
4 slices of pancetta or bacon, chopped and cooked

Boil the onions in plenty of water for 15 minutes until slightly tender. Remove from the pan and allow to cool. Then, with a sharp knife, remove the top inch of each onion, finely chop and place to one side. If need be, slightly trim the stalk end of the onions so that they will sit flat on a roasting tray. Cut about a heaping tablespoon out from the inside of each onion, keeping the outside intact.

Mix the spinach, garlic, feta, bacon, salt and pepper. Fill the hole in the onion with the spinach mixture.

Preheat the oven to 400°F.

Bake in the preheated oven for around 25 minutes until soft and tender, depending on the size of the onions.

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