Friday, February 27, 2009

Tonight's Photo's

Thanks to Dawn, I know what was happening in the sky tonight. Our beautiful moon was at a 10% crescent while gliding by Venus, which is at maximum brightness. Pretty damn cool.

Wait that isn't the moon :o) Since I already had the camera in the backyard on the ti-pod I thought I would play for a bit. I got out a Christmas decoration that lights up when you push a button and used it to take some photos. I left the apeture open on the camera, then I went running around the yard with the decoration.

Enough with running around... I'm going to attempt letters!

So when you do this, you have to write it backwards,,,, I forgot to switch around the N. Tee hee hee....what fun!

Ahhh..... my little heart

This was the little decoration that I used to create the last pictures!!!

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