Sunday, November 22, 2009

Mom and Pop Pop's Visit

As always we had such a fun time with Mom and Pop Pop when they were in town last month. We kept it kind of low key since we had just driven for 2 days. We ate some good food, played cards, drank a little (okay, well Jim and I drank), watched the boob tube, and did a little sight seeing.
Mom and I headed down to South Congress to get some fresh air and to check out the little shops along the way. We went into a thrift shop full of little trinkets. We came across a shelf full of doll heads. Of course I think "weird" but then "photo opportunity".

And then we came across this monkey face...

After our day of shopping we filled Pop Pop and Jim in on our adventures.
I never get sick of the Jersey salute
Me and Ma Pooh!
Mom and Taylor

Po-Po sunning himself on the back porch

The Austin Farmers Market

My egg, bacon and cheese empanada... very good

There were a lot of great veggies at the farmers market. During this trip I picked up zucchini, spring onions, salsa and fajita meat.

Mom and Pop Pop making the rounds

I went to get the car so I could pick them up. I'm kind of like a stalker in this picture because they have no idea I am taking their picture while I go to get the car in the parking garage

Pop Pop catching up on the local Austin news

This is Frank, and at the time he was hilarious. We played a card game called Phase 10 a few times. It is a fairly simple game, but it is fun and easy for everybody to play. While playing, I drew Frank on my finger and he started to give advice to the players. Bastard even tried to drink my Captain and Coke (seen below)

This is mom's attempt at doing the Captain Morgan's pose from the commercials.

Mom was trying my Sam Adams Cherry Wheat beer... it has a hint of cherry and is a beer that I enjoy drinking while it is in season. It is gone in Austin now, but I'll be waiting for it next year.
Po-Po getting a little more sun

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