Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Our neighbors gave us a couple of beautiful roses from their garden so I thought I would practice my photography skills. I didn't really get into the whole photography mood because I had two helpers who were determined to get my attention away from the flowers. Because they were so cute I ended up taking more pictures of them than the roses :)

They are so attention starved..... NOT!

This is one of my favorites that I took. It really doesn't come across clear when I pasted it to blogger. But when you look at the picture on my computer, you can see all of the shadows in the pedals.

I turned around for a minute and when I turned back around Chewie was laying on my makeshift "studio" for the flower :)

I played around with the colors on this picture with photoshop. I was trying to get the green stem and leaves to be more colorful so you could see them in the background.

I think they get upset if I don't take pictures of them :)

In this picture, Chewie was on my left and Taylor on my right. She was doing her best to get right next to her mommy :)


Dana said...

Popojeebo found their way back to making comments :) I should have photoshopped that tissue out of the picture!! :) HA! You know me and my allergies, I always have a runny nose

Dana said...
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